Welcome to the Martlesham Heath Aviation Society website.

Our aim is to preserve the heritage and aviation history of Martlesham Heath. Our Society and it's associated museum celebrates the rich and varied history of Martlesham Heath as a centre for aircraft testing, development and operations from 1916 through to it's closure in 1963.

We look to remember those who lived and gave their lives in the Royal Flying Corps, Royal Air Force and United States Army Air Force whilst stationed at Martlesham.

We also run a programme of monthly talks and can provide guided visits. We're always looking for new members, volunteers and supporters.

Please come and visit us or get in contact!

MHAS recognise the contribution of many people and organisations in building and maintaining the Society.  Special thanks to those who allow us to use photographs including Richard E Flagg @UK Airfields, Ross Whitaker and Little Friends. 


Control Tower Museum Opening 2024

Sunday 7th April - Sunday 27th October, 2024

Planes, Flames & Automobiles!

Sunday 8th September 2024

See all events


New MHAS Museum Facebook page now available

To keep you up to date with what's happening in and around the Museum, plus related interesting information and pictures, we've created a new Martlesham Heath Control Tower Museum Facebook page.

Wally Mutimer

As most of you will know one of our longest standing members Wally Mutimer passed away in November.

MHAS Remembrance Service 2023

Please see below the link to the Remembrance Service on the Barrack Square.

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